I'm the one on the right by the way.
Welcome to my blog for srt251 Constuction and Structures 2. Feel free to leave any comments.
Really liked the way in which the three different materials
(Glass, wooden board cladding and plaster cladding) are complementing each other in this picture. The joining has being concealed in order to achieve a smooth, clean and striking finish.
Below shows the concrete column – with the joint to the ceiling concealed by the external cladding. It is clear to see the sealant between the two which allows for movement – either contraction or expansion – of the concrete. This movement is dependant on the temperature and the loads imposed on the column.
The picture below shows how the structure is exposed both on the outside and the interior. The steel framing forms the geometric shapes of the windows whilst the steel universal column supporting the roofing structure can be seen on the inside. The aluminum façade to the building casts dramatic shadows during the different stages of the sun movement path.
The detail below shows how a Universal Beam has being engineering to fit the angle of the roof to act as a rafter. Diagonal bracing is incorporated to resist the lateral wind loads. The steel column is attached to the wall via girts which are welded and bolted to cleats.
The Universal Beam here is connected to the ceiling by ‘C’ girts which again are welded and bolted to cleats. This has then being covered by 20mm plasterboard.
I was able to return to the Spotlight Development site located at the Belmont / Breakwater inter-junction in order to meet with the project manager, Chris. This was really insightful into the construction of concrete tilt up panels. I was able to determine that the size of my strip footing for the major project would be 600mm x 600mm with 6-12TM. This was based on similar sized panels framing the structure of the retail blocks which would in turn have similar loads as those in my showroom structure.
The drawings also demonstrate possible ways of connecting the RC Slab on Ground with the wall panel using Cast-In Plates. One of the other details also shows how a suspended slab could be attached to the panel using a dowel and ferrule system – a possible method that could be employed for the major project.
Building With Straw | | |
Written by Michael d'Estries | |
Monday, 14 August 2006 |
As long as appropriate moisture control measures are taken, straw bale walls can last as long as any other conventional systems. However overhangs are required in order to keep the rain (if it ever comes) of the walls. These overhangs should be about 45cm and the bales should also be raised 60cm off the foundations to reduce capillary action of ground moisture. Cement is mixed with lime to increase the permable properties and allow the straw to ‘breathe’ and release any moisture. Rebar is also imperative to stop the straw from getting wet and structurally failing. Rebar is a metal used to spike the bales together when fitting them as a wall. Flashing is required at the top of the walls to allow the water to divert the water away from the straw.
This is the initial model I have made up in Microstation. I am sorry if it is a little hard to understand but I am still learning how to use the program. J This model includes pre-cast tilt up reinforced concrete load bearing panels, slab on ground, suspended RC floor and a lightweight steel roofing system. The roof consists of a 360 UB rafter connected to steel purlins and welded and bolted to the wall panel. The slope of the Zincalume roof is 5 degrees running into a box gutter drainage system. However after some consideration and discussions I have decided this is not an appropriate method that my chosen architect, Louis Kahn, would have adopted for the showroom. Therefore although this roofing system can still be utilized for the warehouse space as it provides a large column free space, I have instead decided to employ a concrete flat roof assembly for the showroom.This is more suitable to the overall design and more suitable to Kahn’s principles of a sense of order within. This does however mean a suspended floor will be needed to house all the services.
This article starts on a humorous note saying how the retired are not only demanding to be comfortable but now also want their buildings to include all amenities and have a ‘wow’ factor.
This permitted considerable cost savings, as the LVL pre-fabrication could occur off site whilst the steel structure was erected. This combination of timber and steel allowed the building to be put up very quickly and within the budget.
The design of this complex was not a conventional rectangular shape and therefore required an innovative approach. LVL timber was a very suitable alternative to steel as it was flexible to meet the curved design of the building. Lateral stability to the imposed loads was permitted through the combination of materials and framing systems – A masonry core at one end, steel portal frame at the other and timber LVL frame sandwiched between. This allowed the positive attributes of all the materials to be integrated.
Hyspan (600mm x 62mm lengths) can span a distance of 8m and if required to span further can be double up. These are connected to the steelwork and masonry wall simply using bolted proprietary systems. Architecturally the structural elements have being left exposed to feature as design elements. I personally think this technique is a very effective and visually pleasing one and works well within this scheme.
An example of how a steel stanchion is bolted to the concrete panel via cleats. The wall panel is supported by strip footing and placed approx 75mm below ground level.
Below is a detail to show how the rafter and purlins are connected by M24 bolts. It also shows how fly bracing is placed on alternate rafters for extra support to the purlins. Steel rods have been used for cross bracing to resist lateral loads that may be imposed by external forces.
Located on the
Wall to Ground connection – Cast in steel wall ties placed two per panel at each end, with the grout poured through a grouting tube to seal the two panels together. Concrete is then poured on top of this plate to ensure strength and a smooth finish.
These panels were pre fabricated by a local company and transported via truck. Therefore curing has only ready occurred with the minimum time being four days. The advantage of this method allows a higher degree of finish. It also would be a quicker process off site as the set up is already in place however does require more energy in transportation. The opening for the panel would have been pre formed allowing for the frame and glazing to put in at a later stage.