
The details above are showing how structural elements can be disguised to be aesthetically pleasing. The vertical columns do in fact have steel Universal Columns in the middle to support the structure however the columns on the angle are purely to look good. A technique I am fond of as I think it is very effective – it almost makes the building look like it is unable to support itself. The columns resemble the ruins of a roman temple yet transposed in a modern form. The detail also shows how the columns are supporting the Universal Beams as well as integrating the down pipe, which can usually spoil a design.
Really liked the way in which the three different materials
(Glass, wooden board cladding and plaster cladding) are complementing each other in this picture. The joining has being concealed in order to achieve a smooth, clean and striking finish.
Below shows the concrete column – with the joint to the ceiling concealed by the external cladding. It is clear to see the sealant between the two which allows for movement – either contraction or expansion – of the concrete. This movement is dependant on the temperature and the loads imposed on the column.
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