Monday, May 21, 2007

Deakin Engineering Centre

Located on the Warn Ponds Campus, the Engineering Centre is one of architectural innovation. I am particularly fond of the way the characteristics of different glazing on the windows have been combined to create a really engaging façade to the structure. This is exemplified at ground level where triangular panes of both reflective and tinted glass are used to create some really interesting reflections.

The picture below shows how the structure is exposed both on the outside and the interior. The steel framing forms the geometric shapes of the windows whilst the steel universal column supporting the roofing structure can be seen on the inside. The aluminum façade to the building casts dramatic shadows during the different stages of the sun movement path.

The detail below shows how a Universal Beam has being engineering to fit the angle of the roof to act as a rafter. Diagonal bracing is incorporated to resist the lateral wind loads. The steel column is attached to the wall via girts which are welded and bolted to cleats.

The Universal Beam here is connected to the ceiling by ‘C’ girts which again are welded and bolted to cleats. This has then being covered by 20mm plasterboard.

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