This is the initial model I have made up in Microstation. I am sorry if it is a little hard to understand but I am still learning how to use the program. J This model includes pre-cast tilt up reinforced concrete load bearing panels, slab on ground, suspended RC floor and a lightweight steel roofing system. The roof consists of a 360 UB rafter connected to steel purlins and welded and bolted to the wall panel. The slope of the Zincalume roof is 5 degrees running into a box gutter drainage system. However after some consideration and discussions I have decided this is not an appropriate method that my chosen architect, Louis Kahn, would have adopted for the showroom. Therefore although this roofing system can still be utilized for the warehouse space as it provides a large column free space, I have instead decided to employ a concrete flat roof assembly for the showroom.This is more suitable to the overall design and more suitable to Kahn’s principles of a sense of order within. This does however mean a suspended floor will be needed to house all the services.

Hey cool drawings how long did it take you to do them?
Yeah they took me a while as i am still geeting to know microstation but hey practice makes perfect!
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