Located on the Princes Highway at the Belmont and Breakwater inter-junction is the construction of a new multi-storey shopping complex. It is intended to be storage warehouse for Spotlight along with a number of other shops and an underground carpark.

Wall to Ground connection – Cast in steel wall ties placed two per panel at each end, with the grout poured through a grouting tube to seal the two panels together. Concrete is then poured on top of this plate to ensure strength and a smooth finish.
Panel to Panel connection – Steel plate bolted to both panels with concrete poured over the top. The openings in the plate for the bolts have being extended to allow for lateral movement of the concrete.
A detail to show how the universal rafter beam connects to the ‘c’ girt through a bolted plate. Also showing how the cross bracing is connected at this junction by a panel and how the corrugated roofing sits on top. The steel columns to support these rafters have been spaced at 8m in length ways and 19m in width allowing for a relatively column free floor area.
These panels were pre fabricated by a local company and transported via truck. Therefore curing has only ready occurred with the minimum time being four days. The advantage of this method allows a higher degree of finish. It also would be a quicker process off site as the set up is already in place however does require more energy in transportation. The opening for the panel would have been pre formed allowing for the frame and glazing to put in at a later stage.
The panels are lifted into place using a heavy duty crane. OHS regulations state that the radius of the height of the crane must be roped off and nobody is allowed to work within this area whilst the machine is in use. Once in place the panels are supported by steel props and may only be removed after being checked by an engineer.
1 comment:
Nice pictures. I went to the same site but it was abit futhur through the construction process. Really interesting to see the connections between the concrete slab and panels and between panels because when we went there they had all been concreted over.
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